Dare to Reimagine
The AxysOrigins software suite brings new perspectives to age-old technology. We develop technology that caters to human nature, in order to create truly intuitive and efficient tools. Our mission is to enhance the life of creators, business professionals, and those of us who just needed to see the world from a different angle.
'A tool is only as useful as it is convenient. Our time is priceless.'
~ AxysOrigins Team
Time and time again
, we've felt restricted and inflexible with the tools we've used.
We lose track of ideas and find our thoughts twisted and tied up in our writing, the tools we entrust our ideas to offering no help or even hindering us.
By examining the way the human mind naturally creates and organizes information, while also studying workflow habits, we come to understand how to work in ways natural to us.
The end-product of just about any thought-driven process, from a daydream to writing your epic novel, forms together from smaller, simpler pieces of information.
An idea or two here, some edits there, inspiration from here, alternate versions and the whole drafting process, we've always come to understanding piece by piece, with all the mess that entails.
Piecing your ideas together should flow naturally,
not be stopped up by the process that allowed them to be created in the first place.
We took old ideas
and made them new again.
Maybe you're like us and have 1,000s of text files scattered who-knows-where with no real sense of organization.
NoteTaker reinvents the way we submit, organize, and of course
those notes of ours.
Let NoteTaker take the work off your hands.
Without context, information loses its meaning. Our thoughts are useful up to their ability to relate to everything around them. However, what is available that is designed this way, beyond haphazard workarounds?
AxysEngine re-imagines the way we perceive, store, and convey information. A graph database, diagram generator, and presentation tool in one:
"Complexity comes forth out of simplicity."
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